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Who will win the 2005 Giro?

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2005-05-19 12:18:28
I think it will be between those 3 riders, yes...

Basso is the favorite for now, but after a few mountain stages we'll know so much more.... Hope Savoldelli is capable of stayin with the rest of the climbers...

2005-05-22 14:38:06
maz België

Team: JH Kaktus
Forumposts: 8886
At this moment strong men:
Basso (made a mistake, but is still in the race)
Savoldelli (probabellelfiryly the best of the the 2)

Outsider: Simoni (He has not THE time trial capacity)

2005-05-22 14:39:45
Valverde Nederland
Game Assistant

Team: Kelme Pro tour!
Forumposts: 3242
i think 1. Basso 2. Savoldelli 3. Simoni 4. Di Luca 5. Honchar

2005-05-22 16:30:28
maz België
Game Assistant

Team: JH Kaktus
Forumposts: 8886
Basso's giro is gone

2005-05-23 11:41:46
Valverde Nederland
Game Assistant

Team: Kelme Pro tour!
Forumposts: 3242
Yes it 's over now. Very very sad.

2005-05-23 11:42:18
Valverde Nederland
Game Assistant

Team: Kelme Pro tour!
Forumposts: 3242
and i expect Rujano now top five

2005-05-25 16:49:36
Attention on Garate

2005-05-25 17:18:56
Nicolas* België

Team: team-barredo
Forumposts: 1625
i'm afraid di luca will be to good, i hope il falco, simoni or garate

2005-05-25 17:36:56
I think Savoldelli,Di Luca,Simoni
hopefully I am this time not right either

2005-05-28 17:07:15
What a Giro....

2006-04-28 14:47:21
Bettini anyone?????

2006-04-28 15:07:46
postduif België

Team: ProstitutionUtd
Forumposts: 572
maybe, thats up to you
there is some nice climbing the 1st few stages

2006-04-28 15:47:43
NOA Nederland

Team: kop over kop
Forumposts: 1483
Isn't it a little bit late to predict the Giro 2005 winner?

2006-04-28 16:13:31
@ Toyloco, you're free to create a new topic about the giro 2006 where can be discussed in English.
This topic is closed now.

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