
Spring Classics | Giro d'Italia | Tour de France | Vuelta a Espana | World Championships

Name:  Stephen
Age:  33
Country:  United Kingdom  
Place of living:  Gloucester
Language:  English
Favorite Cycler:  Sastre,Gilbert,Evans,Moncoutie
Points:  0
Total Ranking:  0
Remaining budget:  8500
Yearpoints:  1467 (552/915/0/0/0)
Yearranking:  366
All-time Ranking (Points):  96 (53072)
Last online on:  2024-05-30 17:12:52
Guestbookposts:  13
Forumposts:  1

My Cyclers: Pts: 0

You can start viewing the teams of other participants on: 29 juni, 12h00 / june 29th, 12h00

List of honour
Race Place
Tour de France 156
Giro d'Italia 294
2022 Overall Year Ranking 400
Voorjaarsklassiekers 447
Najaarsklassiekers 606
Vuelta a Espana 1092

Complete list of honour

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2013-06-28 09:19:52  |  hendrik

I'll be picking froome
and contador, for sure.
Doubting about taking
Porte too, because the
other GC contenders are
all a bit uncertain.

2013-06-28 09:19:36  |  hendrik

I'll be picking froome
and contador, for sure.
Doubting about taking
Porte too, because the
other GC contenders are
all a bit uncertain.

2013-06-28 09:19:30  |  hendrik

I'll be picking froome
and contador, for sure.
Doubting about taking
Porte too, because the
other GC contenders are
all a bit uncertain.

2013-06-28 09:19:27  |  hendrik

I'll be picking froome
and contador, for sure.
Doubting about taking
Porte too, because the
other GC contenders are
all a bit uncertain.

2013-05-22 07:48:39  |  hendrik

It's a pity Wiggins
allready left the race,
because your team is
doing so good!

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