Archive: Politico

2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023
Spring Classics | Giro d'Italia | Tour de France | Vuelta a Espana | World Championships

Points:  2866
Total Ranking:  131
Remaining budget:  40
Yearpoints:  2724 (1777/2561/1154/2866/728)
Yearranking:  220
Leagueklasse: 4e Klasse
Leagueranking: 4

My Cyclers: Pts: 2866

1st Stage03000000001001050
2nd Stage000000120000012
3th Stage4000000000004
4th Stage000004007500079
5th Stage000000001200012
6th Stage75305000240000018197
7th Stage180400000000022
8th Stage0000007000007
9th Stage020000000000020
10th Stage406000000000064
11th Stage3006000100000000190
12th Stage0020000750000095
13th Stage003800000000038
14th Stage402000000000024
15th Stage2406001230000000126
16th Stage7501200024000000219
17th Stage002000000400024
18th Stage7505004100000000229
19th Stage002000000000020
20th Stage75012002430000000249
21th Stage002000000000020
Final Ranking37505600801500000001165

List of honour
Race Place
Vuelta a España - Santo Estevo de Riba de Sil - Puerto de Ancares 2
Vuelta a España - A Estrada - Monte Castrove en Meis 4
Autumn Classics - World Championships Time Trial 5
Vuelta a España 131
Spring Classics 170
2014 Overall Year Ranking 276
Autumn Classics 532
Tour de France 927
Giro d'Italia 1634

Complete list of honour

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