Archive: Mavano

2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
Spring Classics | Giro d'Italia | Tour de France | Vuelta a Espana | World Championships

Points:  2659
Total Ranking:  541
Remaining budget:  30
Yearpoints:  2722 (673/2659/3483/1717/615)
Yearranking:  542

My Cyclers: Pts: 2659

Team Time Trial1035000000000045
2nd Stage0430024110000000177
3th Stage0125000100007500210
4th Stage2400001004000038
5th Stage55000010030000095
6th Stage5000301850000750178
7th Stage5000010000180033
8th Stage450180010024110000207
9th Stage900001000000019
10th Stage5000300240000059
11th Stage500000005000055
Time Trial500000001000015
13th Stage250007560100010000270
14th Stage50000100010120037
15th Stage45000010001000065
16th Stage2300001000000033
17th Stage500085010000000190
18th Stage500010000000015
19th Stage1050500100000000165
20th Stage1050500100000000165
21th Stage5000401800000063
Final Ranking415020060020001000525

List of honour
Race Place
Tour de France 159
Autumn Classics 377
Giro d'Italia 541
2015 Overall Year Ranking 633
Vuelta a España 1272
Spring Classics 1774

Complete list of honour

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